Q&A || "I'm more Miss Piggy than Miss Universe"

Hello! I'm back with another Q&A to ease me back into blogging! I asked you guys on Twitter to send me some questions and this is what you wanted to know :) 


Well Sarah... I can't say I agree but it's taken a A LOT of heartbreak and other crap to make me who I am today ;) 

Recently I have been going through a pretty s*** time! As you may know from my previous post, my boyfriend and I broke up and everything just seemed to 'crumble'. My life went from 100 to 0 real quick. I needed some time away from blogging to just clear my head and focus on something else. It felt a good time to leave for a break after uploading my previous post... and instead, I focused on something a bit more creative and exciting, not to mention something I had been meaning to start for years...

I've filmed and uploaded some videos and I now upload weekly on a Saturday at 10am and I have fallen in love with it! To be honest, I think I actually prefer being a YouTuber to a Blogger... now that's something I never thought I would say haha! It's been my escape route from all the negativity in my life at the moment and has allowed me to be more creative. I've also been focusing a lot on revision for my exam at uni, which is next week *panics*, so I wanted to focus on that more than my blog :) 

Since starting YouTube, I've really began to notice how much harder blogging is! Sorry to all the YouTubers out there but blogging is SO much harder! I find it so much more easier and natural to sit in front of a camera and just say whatever I want however, I find blogging harder. I think it's because it's hard to fully express yourself just through the words on the screen. So what I find the hardest is finding the motivation to write. It feels like such a chore compared to vlogging, hence why I've focused on YouTube more. 

The truth is ... I don't haha! At the moment I've only got one exam to revise for so I have so much more free time, so it's easy to managed at the moment (to some extent) but when I was deep into my course, I struggled! I would have days where the stress would get too much and I'd just cry haha! I'd spend hours stressing down the phone to my ex about how much I had to do! I think you just need to think about what is your priority. If you have a pile of uni work that needs to get finished, then focus on that! Blogging can wait, you readers will still be there when you get back! If you use blogging as your way of winding down, then make sure you set some time away from uni work to wind down and blog. But NEVER force yourself to write a post! Blogging should be fun, not a chore! 

YouTube Pros: 
  • Easier than blogging
  • More creative
  • Fun
  • Free to do what you want
  • You can make some really beautifully edited videos, or upload funny ones... it's your place on the internet to do what you want
YouTube Cons: 
  • Takes a long time to film, edit, export, process and upload
  • You spend wayyyy too long staring at your face on the screen, to the point you are able to notice EVERY SINGLE IMPERFECTION
  • So much competition, it's basically impossible to get noticed
  • I feel like I have to basically look like a skinny, perfect airbrushed model to get noticed (and I am more Miss Piggy than Miss Universe) 
Blogging Pros:
  • Your place on the internet to do what YOU want
  • You can show off your prettiest pictures
  • You can use "I bought this because it would be great in a post" as an excuse ;) 
Blogging Cons: 
  • SO LONG 
  • So difficult to motivate yourself to sit there for hours on end writing
  • TYPOS. TYPOS. TYPOS. Even after proof reading endless times
  • You have to have 'pretty pictures' in order for people to click on the post
  • The blogging community is like a f**king Mean Girls cast at the moment

Nope! I've thought about it but I don't think I should have to pay to get my blog noticed! I want to know that it's been noticed due to my hard work and content... not because I've paid for an ad space; but each to their own I suppose! 

I love filming Q&As and Tags! They're so easy and quick to film and it's a nice way for my viewers to get to know me and my personality a bit more! 

I don't really have any goals if I'm honest. I blog for me and not for the 'numbers'. Obviously, it's nice to hit milestones but I don't set out to have a certain amount of followers. I just really want to make my blog the best it can be (in my opinion), I want to be 100% happy with it, which unfortunately I never have been... I compare myself to other blogs and mine just looks like poop! 

Do I even need to answer that moo moo??? A LOTTTTT! You mean the world to me, you've helped me get through all the crap times and have kept me going... the day I meet you (Which will happen when I save enough money) will be the happiest day of my life!

Thats's it!
Thank you to all of you who asked me questions! 
I hope you've got to know me a bit more and you enjoyed reading my answers :) 
If you have any more questions, then by all means leave them in the comments below and I'd be happy to answer them for you! 

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter () so you can join in with my next Q&A!

I also upload weekly on a Saturday at 10am (UK Time) on ! It would mean the world to me if you subscribed <3


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