Saturday, 28 September 2013

Our Moment : One Direction Perfume

I've had this perfume for a few weeks now and it is AMAZAYN ... excuse the carrot moment!

Anyway... so, I ordered the 50ml one which was £29 and it was just the right amount of perfume needed! You can order one here , I seriously recommend it!

It smells like heaven... I can't really explain the scent, but it's not too fruity but a hint of musk. It's got quite an earthy smell to it and it's not overpowering.

When I opened the box, inside was a little note from One Direction and also their autographs, which I thought gave it a nice personal touch.

Any Directioners out there who are debating whether to buy it or not...... STOP DEBATING AND BUY THE GOD DAM THING!

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