Liz Earle Review

Last year, in the Boxing day sales I decided to take the plunge and buy some Liz Earle products. After hearing Gabriella Lindley (Velvetgh0st) raving about the brand, I knew that I wasn't wasting my money and I would not be disappointed. I am having constant battles with my skin... one minute it's sensitive and dry and then it's combination/oily... SKIN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! So I was very apprehensive when I bought these products; little did I know that they would be a God send to my skin. 

I managed to bag; the 'Cleanse & Polish' (100ml) & (30ml), the 'Light Repair Moisturiser' for combination/oily skin (50ml), the 'Eyebright soothing eye lotion' (50ml) and the 'Instant Boost Skin Tonic Spritzer' (30ml), as well as two muslin cloths... all for £29. Absolute bargain if I say so myself! 

I started using all of these products at the beginning of January and by February/March, I had completely run out of both of the cleanse and polishes. *cries* I used this everyday to remove my make up, it broke down the make up so quickly and left my face feeling like I've just had a facial... pure bliss! The scent of it instantly calms me, as it reminds me of a spa or a beach for some reason haha! 

Recently, I have heard a lot of people saying "If you have oily skin, you shouldn't moisturise!" ... DO NOT listen to this! You NEED to moisturise regardless of your skin type! I have combination/oily skin and I have chosen a moisturiser to suit my skin type and this one works perfectly ... the oils in the moisturiser combat the natural oils in your skin, therefore they reduce the excess oils. This moisturiser seeps into the skin instantly, which means you don't get that greasy feeling after; also creating the perfect base for make up! 

After cleansing and moisturising my skin, I like to use the soothing eye lotion. It is the perfect way to 'wake up' your eyes and to reduce the dark circles. I like to apply some using a cotton pad and I just sweep it around my eyes. It feels so nice using this after having heavy eye make up on... it's like giving your eyes a drink haha! Then after all of this, I love using the tonic spritzer! It's the perfect way to hydrate your skin and give it the refreshing boost... especially in the morning when you have just woken up! I have nearly run out of this as well, so I will definitely be purchasing more as it will be great on those hot, sticky days in the Summer! 

If you're looking for a new, quick and easy skin care routine then I could not recommend these products any more then I already have! Before I purchased this little 'kit', I didn't really have a proper skin care routine and I would just chuck loads of different products on my face, which actually 'damaged' my skin more then it did, 'fixing' it! Bur now I have a structured routine, which targets all the problematic areas of my face!

I hope you liked this weeks post... I have been feeling a bit 'blerghhh' at the moment, so sorry of my posts are not up to scratch, but after June I will be able to focus purely on my blog! 
Comment below what your 'must have' skin care products are <3 

I'm also looking for bloggers who would like to guest post on here, as I have a very busy month, so I may be unable to prepare posts. If you are interested, email me: 

Thank you <3


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