The Pointless Book: Review

Last week I finally bought The Pointless Book and all I can say is that it is fricking amazing and I am so proud of Alfie!
If you have no idea what I am on about, then this video should explain it :) 
The author of this book is the YouTuber Alfie Deyes, who currently has 2,998,198+ subscribers on his main channel! Over the past 5 years he has built up his audience and created a brand image for himself, that obviously many people all over the world (including me) love!
I watch him and his friends religiously (I have no life :'D) and I can't express how proud I am of all of them because of the things they have all achieved this past year... but seeing Alfie's books in shops and on my bedside cabinet fills me with joy and pride! It reminds me how far he has come over the years and I instantly think of when I used to watch him when he hadn't even reached 100,000 subscribers, and it scares me to think how quick our lives change and develop. 

I have no words for this book! It is soooo unique and 'Pointless'! The little activities occupied me for a good few hours, and I still have many more to do! Not forgetting his official Pointless Book app which syncs with the book and has exclusive videos of Alfie and his friends completing the pages, which makes this book truly unique! 
I really don't know what else to say, other than, GO BUY THIS BOOK!!!!! 
The links below are links to websites/shops where you can buy the book, as well as all of Alfie's social media's and mine :) 

Alfie's links: 
Vlogging Channel: 
Gaming Channel: 

My links: 


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