What's on my iphone?!

This week I thought I would do a bit of a different post. I always like watching 'What's on my iphone?!" videos on YouTube... I'm not sure why, I guess it's because I'm a nosey s*** haha! It's a great way to find new apps and just a good excuse to be nosey ;) 

I have a crappy iphone 4s... it is one of the old iphones but it does the job (most of the time) ... my lock screen and home screen is of a photograph that I took of flowers. I liked the 'clean' look it gives to my phone layout, is that weird or ?! 
On the first page, I have the general apps (messages/photos etc) then I also have my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I like to flick through my Facebook every now and again, but I use Twitter and Instagram more. I don't think there is ever a time when I am not on Twitter... I blame the fact that I have three accounts (my blog one: , my personal:  and my blog promoting one: ) ... Thank you to everyone who follows me on Twitter and thank you for everyone who uses my @rtyourblog account... I didn't think it'll be as popular as it is! I try to retweet all of your tweets, but if there is ever a time where I miss you out, it is by accident because I can get up to 100+ tweets a day to retweet, so bare with me haha! I also have two Instagram accounts (personal: '' and my blog: '') I will be doing a blog post about Instagram soon, so keep an eye out for that :) 
On the second page, I have Snapchat, Spotify, Facebook messenger, Buzzfeed and The Riddle Game. I've had Snapchat for a few years now and I used to be addicted to it, I then went through a stage of not using it at all and now I'm addicted again gahhhhh (THE STRUGGLES)!
I have a love/hate relationship with Spotify... I can't afford to pay for premium so I get the annoying ads and I don't like to waste my internet so I can't use it unless I have wifi... so basically it's pretty pointless for me haha... but I like to use it when I'm getting ready in the morning... I have created a playlist of all of the songs Hobbie Stuart has covered on his YouTube and I also have my party playlist if you would like to follow them :) https://play.spotify.com/user/sophieedwards78 
Buzzfeed is one of those apps that is pretty useless and is not a necessity in your life but it is a great boredom buster! It's got pointless quizzes, articles etc... Who doesn't want to know what type of cheese they are?! 
I also have the Riddle Game which was actually created by my friend Ben... (Is there anything he can't do?!) Again, another great boredom buster... leaving your mind absolutely f***** if you're dumb like me haha! If you like a challenge, then this app is for you... all I'm going to say is good luck (screw you Ben for making some of them so flipping hard *devil emoji*) :) https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/the-riddle-game/id571910089?mt=8
The last page is pretty bare... all I have is the YouTube app and the Countdown app! If you don't know already, I LOVE YOUTUBE! I am subscribed to sooo many channels, so it's great to have the app at hand whenever you need the 'YouTube fix' (It's like a drug)! The Countdown app is also a necessity for me... I go to quite a lot of concerts and I have a few events throughout the year, and the Countdown app makes it easy for me to see how many days until the event, it also gets me really excited :D 
That's all that is on my phone :) I hope you liked this sort of post! Let me know in the comments, what your favourite apps are, and also let me know what posts you would like to see me do <3 


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