A little update...
So if you hadn't noticed, I haven't been writing posts myself for the past few weeks. I've had a few busy weeks and I haven't had time to prepare posts (sorry ... I hope this is ok). Thank you for everyone who has guest posted for me... I really appreciate it, especially in this busy stressful time!
I am in my last few days of school now and I am prioritising my ALevels over my blog... I finish completely next Friday *dances* so after then, I will be able to completely prioritise my blog :) If you want to see me do any particular post, leave a comment below to let me know... I'll have loads of time on my hands :)
These past two weeks have been hectic (in good and bad ways)! I went to see Les Miserables (absolutely amazing, I need to see it again asap!) ... I had a 3 day ALevel Art exam (soooo longggg)... it was my 18th birthday (Thank you for the lovely birthday messages on twitter <3) I had a party to celebrate my 18th... I went to see SClub7 again (my childhood was well and truly relived haha) I finally left school and dressed up as Piglet for my leavers day (I was soooo hot I thought I was going to be roast pork by the end of the day), my best friend came down to visit (miss her like crazy) ... we went out to celebrate my sisters 23rd birthday... the list goes on! I am now preparing for my last exam and stress if filling my mind and body :( but I know that I can do it and I just need to try and think positively!
So, I just wanted to take this moment to say GOOD LUCK to everyone who is going through exams at the moment... Just keep on thinking of the summer ahead! YOU CAN DO IT!
Thank you for sticking by my blog even when I can't put all my heart and soul into it... the best is yet to come <3
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